Before a pesticide can be used in Australia, it must first be registered for use with the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).  The registration process requires pesticide manufacturers to submit a comprehensive application including information on its chemistry and manufacture, the toxicological impacts on public and occupational health, any residues, environmental safety of the product, and the efficacy of the product.

Developing or obtaining the data to support an application is expensive.  In small crop/pest situations, this expense can be cost prohibitive, especially when limited economic gain or return on investment is achievable.  In these situations, however a permit may be granted which allows for the legal use of a pesticide in a minor use application.  This permit allows for the use of a pesticide outside of its label instructions.  Permits may also be granted by the APVMA for use in emergency situations, such as an exotic pest incursion, disease outbreak, or for use in research applications.

Before using a chemical under a minor use permit, growers should have a copy of the permit and read and comply with all the details, conditions and limitations noted in the permit.

The Table below lists the current minor use permits held by N/GIA on behalf of industry.  

The Nursery Production Minor Use Program is interested in hearing from growers on their pesticide needs.  If there are any suggestions, please contact the program team at GIA by emailing: [email protected].

Before using these permits it is advised that growers check the currency of the permit on the APVMA website especially for those not held by N/GIA, as permit versions may change without notice. The registration of products can also be checked on the APVMA website