Soil pH – Nutrient availability chart
How soil/media pH effects nutrient uptake by plants
How soil/media pH effects nutrient uptake by plants
This video is a component of the Building the Resilience and On-farm Biosecurity Webinar Series.
A Pocket Diagnostic Kit is a rapid and cost effective plant disease diagnostic tool. The kits are simple to use and designed for use in-field giving quick answers in 3-10 minutes. Over 20 pathogens of economic or notifiable status are covered.
The project was jointly funded by NGIQ and Horticulture Australia Ltd (HAL) and released to industry in August 2009. In this Nursery Paper, John McDonald, NGIQ Industry Development Manager, (IDM) provides an overview of this industry innovation.
The Pocket Diagnosticâ„¢ Test Kits are capable of detecting plant pathogens from plant material used as a bait in diluted growing media and soil using similar baiting processes to those required for laboratory based diagnoses.