Managing Footwear [VIDEO]
This video from Biosecurity Queensland depicts a range of options for managing footwear on farm. Aimed at the Banana sector the inforamtion can be readily adapted to a production nursery situation.
This video from Biosecurity Queensland depicts a range of options for managing footwear on farm. Aimed at the Banana sector the inforamtion can be readily adapted to a production nursery situation.
Footbaths are a simple tool which can reduce the risk of bringing on farm a range of pest and diseases. This video from the banana industry shows some good solutions to managing footwear and footbaths on farm.
Hygiene procedures are paramount for the control of plant pests, pathogens and weeds in any production nursery, greenlife market and growing media manufacturer. Effective hygiene and disinfestation protocols must be developed for the successful control of biosecurity issues, in high risk production situations.
Hygiene procedures are paramount for the control of plant pests, pathogens and weeds in any production nursery, greenlife market and growing media manufacturer. Effective hygiene and disinfestation protocols must be developed, to successfully control biosecurity issues in high risk production situations.
Many production nurseries fail to regularly review hygiene standards and as a result underlying and insidious problems are not obvious until it is too late. Hygiene problems in propagation can easily affect plants for their entire life. Preventing the spread of plant pathogens results in fewer pest and/or disease problems and a reduced need for…
General nursery hygiene procedures in the past have been based on information derived from scattered sources and were generally not tested on the range of pests and diseases relevant for the Australian nursery industry. A research project commissioned by NIAA and HRDC has defined the disinfection methods that will ensure clean working surfaces in the…