Managing Water Storage Water Quality [VIDEO]
The effective management of water quality in storages needs to be flexible, and quickly react to changes in water quality. This video explains strategies that can employed in managing water quality in water storages.
Water Quality And Nutrients Nursery Paper 2002
This Nursery Paper should be read in conjunction with the two accompanying Nursery Papers;‘Supplying crop nutrition through fertigation’, issue number 2002/12, and ‘Supplying crop nutrition through controlled release fertilisers’, issue number 2002/13.
Irrigation Water Quality Parameters 2009
Irrigation water tests interpretation
Iron In Irrigation Water 2013
The quality of irrigation water can have a huge affect on the productivity of a nursery. It is vitally important to the continued successful and efficient operation of a production nursery that the quality of the irrigation water supply is sampled and analyzed by an accredited laboratory before first establishing the site and then regularly…